


Project title:

Greening the cities 2.0 – Development and promotion of energy efficiency and sustainable urban environment in the cities of Croatia-Serbia cross-border region

Specific objective:

To promote the use of sustainable energy and energy efficiency

Project details:

Acronim: GReENERGY2.0
Project code: HR-RS412
Lead partner: University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences (Serbia)
Partners: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek – GRAFOS (Croatia) and City of Osijek – OSIJEK (Croatia)
Duration: February - October 2023
Total project budget: 328.164,00 EUR
EU co-finansing amount: 278.939,40 EUR (85%)
stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs (Stevan Savić, project manager)

Project summary

GReENERGY 2.0 project aim is in line with Programme overall aim to strengthen social, economic and territorial development of Programme area by doing joint interventions in the area of sustainable energy and green infrastructure. It contributes to Priority axis 2 Specific Objective (SO) 2.2 “To promote the use of sustainable energy and energy efficiency”. Project contributes to Project Output Indicator “Additional capacity of renewable energy production (MW)” by installing additional solar energy plant (0.15 MW of power; annual production of 187.5 MW) in Osijek and by improving the energy efficiency of public building with the installation of green wall in Novi Sad. GReENERGY 2.0 also contributes to Programme Result indicator named “Energy consumption by public buildings in the programme area” by providing renewable energy for public building and decreasing its use of energy from non-renewable sources. The project main target groups are local public authorities, regional public authorities, higher education and research institutions, education/training centre and schools, SMEs, business support organisations, and general public. These target groups will be reached through project public events and social media profiles. The project will further use and capitalize results and outputs of previous project (GReENERGY) by adding new capacities of renewable energy production in Programme area and contributing to carbon-zero concept in cities and increasing the awareness of local population in the cross-border area and beyond.

Project overview and activities: February 1st 2023 – October 31st 2023 - HR

Project overview and activities: February 1st 2023 – October 31st 2023 - SR


We present you a short promo video of our GReENERGY2.0 project. Through this video, we presented the main ideas of the project, the main results we achieved, as well as the main goal we wanted to achieve.

link to promo video

Open-door event of the GReENERGY2.0 project in Osijek (Croatia)

Please, find invitation and program through following links on SR and HR:

Date: 25.10.2023. in Osijek (Croatia)

Invitation and time table - HR

Invitation and time table - SR

Event report from workshop could be found on this link...

Media presentation is on this link...

Media presentation is on this link...

Open-door event of the GReENERGY2.0 project in Novi Sad (Serbia)

Please, find invitation and program through following links on SR and HR:

Date: 24.10.2023. in Novi Sad (Serbia)

Invitation and time table - HR

Invitation and time table - SR

Event report from workshop could be found on this link...

Media presentation is on this link...

Workshop of the GReENERGY2.0 project in Osijek (Croatia)

Please, find invitation and program through following links on SR and HR:

Date: 06.07.2023. in Osijek (Croatia)

Invitation and time table - HR

Invitation and time table - SR

Event report from workshop could be found on this link...

Workshop of the GReENERGY2.0 project in Novi Sad (Serbia)

Please, find invitation and program through following links on SR and HR:

Date: 30.06.2023. in Novi Sad (Serbia)

Invitation and time table - HR

Invitation and time table - SR

Event report from workshop could be found on this link...

Tender Call

UNSPMF launched a tender call for purchase and instalation of interior green wall

- the call is open: April 10th 2023

- clarification meeting/site visit: until April 19th, 10 am

- deadline for requesting clarifications: until April 28th, 8 pm

- deadline for submission: May 11th, 12 am (address: Trg Dositeja Obradovica 3, 21000 Novi Sad)

- tender opening session: May 12th, 10 am

- notification of award: May 12th

Product specification: Green moss wall with next characteristics - green moss must be installed in frames and green moss must be delivered in minimum 3 different shades of green. Quantity: 70 m2

contact for more information: stevan.savic@dgt.uns.ac.rs (project leader)


Click do download GRAFOS version

Click do download OSIJEK

Click do download UNSPMF

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

The content of the website is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Sciences and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/ or the Managing Authority.


News GReENERGY 2.0

UNSPMF launched a tender call for purchase and instalation of interior green wall


Five project partners from Croatia and Serbia joined forces to increase energy savings and improve energy efficiency by installing solar panels and placing green wall and roofs on two public buildings.

Degree of comfort - discomfort

select location
thermal comfort is based on data received from WSN stations
level id humidex level
warning_medium_alt_0 301 30.529235621603° some discomfort
Thermal comfort system is based on HUMIDEX calculation (Masterton and Richardson, 1979).
Depending on HUMINDEX value for each WSN sensor data, following thresholds are defined:NONE, MEDIUM and HIGH.

WSN data

latest data
id local time Humidex °C globe T H davis T wind s. wind d. sol. rad.  
301 (Ulicna strana) 27-05-24/14:20:00:Europe/Belgrade 30.53 -999 C° 40 % 27.8 C° 0.4 m/s 66 dfw 269 mw  
302 (Dvoriste 1) 27-09-23/20:20:00:Europe/Belgrade 24.51 23.25 C° 53 % 22.2 C° 0 m/s 143 dfw -1 mw  
303 (Zeleni krov) 1-12-22/09:40:00:Europe/Belgrade 3.83 7.25 C° 75 % 5.6 C° 3.4 m/s 140 dfw 243 mw  
304 (Dvoriste 2) 27-07-22/08:09:59:Europe/Belgrade 27.93 34.25 C° 76 % 22.2 C° 0.3 m/s 117 dfw 400 mw  
responsive Valid XHTML 1.1
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choose experience

The project is co-financed by ERDF and IPA II funds of the European Union

This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.

The content of the website is the sole responsibility of Faculty of Sciences and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union and/ or the Managing Authority.